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【并购】罗氏收购Chugai?到底收不收?-蒲园杂谈-蒲公英 - 制药技术...
来自 : www.ouryao.com/thread-247793-1 发布时间:2021-03-25

您需要 登录 才可以下载或查看,没有帐号?立即注册 本帖最后由 仲夏秋夜云 于 2014-8-18 09:12 编辑
一条是:Bloomberg: Roche negotiating for rest of Chugai for $10B
Bloomberg: Roche negotiating for rest of Chugai for $10B
A year ago, CEO Schwan said there was no need to buy the 40% it didn\'t own
August 15, 2014 | By Eric Palmer
Just last month Roche CEO Severin Schwan indicated he wasn\'t interested in mega-deals to build his company, only smaller, more targeted buys. Of course what is targeted and what is mega is in the eyes of the beholder. The Swiss drugmaker is reportedly in talks to buy up the 40% piece of Japanese partner Chugai Pharmaceutical it doesn\'t currently own. Price? $10 billion.
Sources tell Bloomberg that a deal could be announced next week, although one cautioned that a decision is not final on doing it.
Roche ($RHHBY) has held a position in the Japanese company since 2002 and, just a year ago, Schwan indicated he saw no reason for Roche to buy the rest of Chugai. He was volleying questions from analysts during the Q1 2013 earnings call about whether it might want to buy it out, like it had in 2009 when it paid $47 billion for the piece of the biotech Genentech it did not own. But the CEO pointed out that it has a different contractual structure with Chugai and has restructured its own business in Japan to avoid duplication.
There was no indication of what has changed. Schwan said last month that the company would stick to its strategy of doing, targeted, small acquisitions and partnerships like the ones we have carried out in recent months. Roche recently agreed to pay up to $1.7 billion for Seragon Pharmaceuticals and its potentially groundbreaking breast cancer program.
The company was rumored last year to be looking at rare disease specialists Alexion ($ALXN) for $20 billion and BioMarin ($BMRN) for up to $13.5 billion, but nothing came of that. With Chugai, it may be more a matter of beefing up in a growing market than getting a portfolio of drugs. The two sell the Avastin, Herceptin and Tarceva cancer treatments together. They also jointly developed Actemra, a treatment for rheumatoid arthritis.
今年7月,罗氏CEO Severin Schwan曾表示,对大宗交易不感兴趣,但会开展更具针对性的小型收购和合作伙伴关系。然而,彭博社昨日援引知情人士消息称,罗氏正与合作伙伴日本中外制药(Chugai)谈判,以100亿美元收购后者剩余约40%股份,该笔交易可能会在下周公布。该笔交易,将使罗氏获得中外制药肿瘤学和关节炎药物的完全控制权,并将显著扩大罗氏在日本市场的存在。
去年4月,罗氏曾被问及是否有意完全收购中外制药,但罗氏CEO Severin Schwan表示,尚无计划改变对中外制药的控股,因为罗氏与中外制药有不同的合同构架,而且罗氏已对公司在日本的业务进行了重组,以避免重复。早在2002年,罗氏便与中外制药结盟,持有后者50.1%的股份。截止今年6月,罗氏已持有中外制药62%的股份。

本文链接: http://chugai.immuno-online.com/view-744627.html

发布于 : 2021-03-25 阅读(0)